Marist Brothers International School

Student Life

Model United Nations

Japan’s longest-running model united nations general assembly

The MBIS Model United Nations (MUN) program and General Assembly has been a core component of academic life at the school since 1986. It is the longest-running MUN in Japan, well-recognized, and typically attended by over a hundred delegates from international schools throughout Japan and abroad. The General Assembly has regularly attracted local and national media attention.

As an integral part of the Social Studies curriculum, students meet throughout the school year to discuss current international issues and learn critical skills, such as conflict resolution, compromise, and media literacy, alongside fundamental skills, such as resolution writing, parliamentary procedure, caucusing, and debate.

Selected students will be chosen as delegates, representing a country at the annual General Assembly. Students prepare by researching the social, political and economic situation of the country they represent, as well as becoming familiar with the unique role and aims of that country within the global community.

The General Assembly is held in February, and is an intense three-day event. Delegates debate pressing topical issues, and strive to achieve a balance between the needs of the nation they represent, and the overarching needs of the world as a whole. They work through a range of issues, and are also faced with a high-stress emergency crisis. As well as acting as delegates, some students will have the honor of acting as a regional chair, or overseeing debate as members of the parliamentary committee. Outstanding participants are recognized and honored at the end of the assembly. The MBIS MUN also serves as an important foundation for success at larger MUNs throughout the Asia-Pacific region, which are regularly attended by teams of delegates from the school.

Parents are welcome to attend – it is always a remarkable testament to the talent of our students, and a showcase for their skills and knowledge.


February 22-23, 2024