Marist Brothers International School

Student Life


The research hub

The Marist Brothers International School Library is a literacy and research center serving the entire school community. We in the library strongly believe that the “best books” are the ones our patrons want to read, and to that end we actively take book/media requests and recommendations from students, teachers and parents and add them to our collection. We believe that a happy reader, supported by a dedicated library, is on the path to becoming an enthusiastic lifelong reader.

At present, the library carries over 30,000 print and digital books, newspapers and magazines. Combined with our online subscription databases (including JSTOR, ProQuest Central Student, World Book Online, and CultureGrams), MBIS students have access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources. Our library is a flexible learning space, supported by a class-size computer area, and every day you will find students studying independently, collaboratively, and virtually. The library staff is energized and ready to support and celebrate students’, teachers’ and parents’ love for reading. Whether it’s individually or in groups, we are dedicated to helping the entire school community with their reading and research needs. We celebrate the joy of reading with students from pre-K to Grade 12, and teach them information literacy and research skills during both regularly scheduled library class visits and teacher-scheduled class visits.

All of our online subscription databases can be accessed from school or home.

If you ever have any questions and/or recommendations, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Shitamoto in the library or by email.

Library Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00am – 4:30pm.