Marist Brothers International School

Counseling Services

At Marist Brothers International School, we provide counseling services to ensure that students can receive their education in a safe and supportive environment.

Our school counselor offer support in various aspects of students’ lives, addressing not only academic and school-related matters but also personal concerns, emotional issues, and mental well-being.

During counseling sessions, we help students clarify their problems, explore options, and approach their concerns with a positive mindset. Our goal is to enhance their self-awareness and equip them with the skills to effectively address challenges they may encounter during their academic journey. We also collaborate with specialists when necessary to support students in their school lives.

Parenting can be challenging at times. Our counselor is also available to assist parents and guardians with any parenting-related concerns.

All counseling sessions are strictly confidential. Additionally, we offer online sessions in addition to in-person meetings.

Our school counselor are dedicated to supporting students’ emotional well-being and enriching their school experiences. Please feel free to consult with us about any concerns or issues you may have. No issue is too small for counseling. We are here for you.

At Marist Brothers International School, we provide counseling services to ensure that students can receive their education in a safe and supportive environment.

Our school counselor offer support in various aspects of students’ lives, addressing not only academic and school-related matters but also personal concerns, emotional issues, and mental well-being.

During counseling sessions, we help students clarify their problems, explore options, and approach their concerns with a positive mindset. Our goal is to enhance their self-awareness and equip them with the skills to effectively address challenges they may encounter during their academic journey. We also collaborate with specialists when necessary to support students in their school lives.

Parenting can be challenging at times. Our counselor is also available to assist parents and guardians with any parenting-related concerns.

All counseling sessions are strictly confidential. Additionally, we offer online sessions in addition to in-person meetings.

Our school counselor are dedicated to supporting students’ emotional well-being and enriching their school experiences. Please feel free to consult with us about any concerns or issues you may have. No issue is too small for counseling. We are here for you.









What can you talk about during counseling?

1. Academic Issues: Improve study skills, enhance concentration, and develop effective time management techniques

2. Sports and After Hour Activities: Find a balance between study and after hour activities, enhance individual skills and performance, strategies for managing sports-related injuries or health issues.

3. Interpersonal Relationship: Address concerns related to friendships, classmates, bullying, or feelings of isolation. Improve communication skills.

4. Family Issues: Improve family communication, cope with changes such as divorce or relocation.

5. Stress and Anxiety: Manage stressors from school or home, cope with anxiety, pressure or nervousness.

6. Mental and Physical Well-being: Mood fluctuations, restlessness, irritability, sleep disturbances, and overall physical well-being.

7. Grief and Loss: Cope with the sadness and loss experienced due to the death or separation from a loved one.

8. Self-worth and Self-esteem: Enhance self-acceptance, improve self-evaluation, boost self-esteem, and work towards a positive self-image.

9. Future Career: Address concerns regarding career choices

10. Developmental and Special Needs: Provide specialized support for students with developmental disorders, learning disabilities, ADHD, and other special needs.

11. Other: If you’re experiencing a vague sense of unease or confusion, our counselor can help you explore and navigate your emotions.

These are just a few examples, and our school counselor is equipped to address a wide range of concerns. Your sessions with the counselor are confidential and judgment-free, ensuring a safe space to express yourself. Remember, it’s okay to seek support, and our counselor is here to help you navigate any challenges you may be facing.



1. 学業の問題:勉強の方法や集中力の向上、学習スケジュールの管理など

2. 部活の問題:部活動と学業のバランス、個人のスキルやパフォーマンスの向上、スポーツによるケガや体調不良への対処方法など

3. 対人関係の問題:友人やクラスメートとの関係、いじめや仲間外れに関する悩み、コミュニケーションスキルの向上など

4. 家族の問題:家庭内の問題や家族間のコミュニケーションの改善、離婚や引っ越しなどの家族の変化に関する悩みなど

5. ストレスや不安:学校や家庭でのストレス、テストや試験への不安、プレッシャーや緊張など

6. 気分や体調に関する問題:気分が落ち込む、落ち着かずにそわそわしてしまう、イライラする、眠れないなど

7. 悲しみや喪失感:大切な人の死や別れなどによる悲しみや喪失感など

8. 自己価値や自己肯定感の向上:自己受容や自己評価に関する問題、自己肯定感の向上、自己イメージの改善など

9. 将来のこと:進学や将来のキャリアの問題など

10. 発達上の問題や特別なニーズ:発達障害や学習障害、注意欠陥多動性障害(ADHD)などに関する専門的なサポート

11. 悩みがあるのかもわからないけれど、なんだか気持ちがモヤモヤする


FAQ / よくあるご質問

School counseling can provide valuable support when you’re facing difficulties or feeling overwhelmed. It offers a safe and confidential space to express your concerns, explore solutions, and develop strategies to cope with challenges.

Yes, counseling sessions are strictly confidential. Your privacy is of utmost importance, and information shared during sessions is kept confidential, unless there is a concern for your safety or the safety of others. Your counselor will explain the confidentiality policy in more detail during your first session.


You can discuss a wide range of concerns with a school counselor, including academic challenges, stress, relationships, self-esteem, future goals, family issues, and more. Counselors are here to listen, offer guidance, and help you develop strategies to overcome obstacles.


One session is 30min, but you can book a double session if you need. It depends on the nature of your concerns.


The frequency of counseling sessions depends on your individual needs and goals. Some students benefit from regular weekly or bi-weekly sessions, while others may only need occasional check-ins. Your counselor will work with you to determine the most appropriate schedule for you.


The duration of counseling varies for each student and depends on the nature of the concerns. Some issues can be resolved in one or a few sessions, while others may require longer-term support. Your counselor will work with you to determine the appropriate length of your counseling journey.


With your consent, your counselor may involve your parents or teachers in the counseling process. Collaboration with parents and teachers can provide additional support and help create a comprehensive plan to address your needs. However, it is your choice whether or not.


No, counseling is available for all students, regardless of the severity of their concerns. Whether you’re facing significant challenges or simply need someone to talk to, school counseling can provide valuable support and guidance.


It is a free service for all Marist students and parents.
