Marist Brothers International School

Leadership Panel Discussion

Join us on Wednesday, November 13, from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. for our next Parents as Learners session!

The Academic Leadership Team will host a panel discussion, providing insights into various aspects of our school community and inviting your questions. Topics may include the IB authorization process, our WASC mid-cycle visit, Campus Redevelopment Project, student well-being, college and university guidance, assessment, translanguaging, or our four pillars – academic excellence, the arts, athletics, service learning, and leadership.

This is a valuable opportunity to connect, learn, and engage directly with our school’s leaders. We look forward to seeing you there!

11月13日(水)9:00-10:00、Parents as Learnersセッションにご参加ください!アカデミック・リーダーシップ・チームがパネル・ディスカッションを行い、当校のコミュニティーの様々な側面についてご説明し、皆様からのご質問を受け付けます。




Wednesday, November 13


9:00~10:00am Japan Standard Time


Central 1F Lobby